PsiFest 2023 – Experiment-Room-Feedback

The Experimental Room was sponsored by the International Remote Viewing Associaiton's research unit and to learn more about IRVA and the Unit visit: The IRVA remote viewing Research Unit (IRU)

Welcome To Box Item #1 Describe and Sketch What Is In The Box! • When you are done, take a picture for your own records. • Then if you would like it to be included as part of the research project, place your transcript into the box. • Inclusion of your name is optional. Identities of participants will be kept confidential in any publications or presentations that may result for this experiment as long as your name isn’t on your submission. • You will receive your feedback either by email or at the conclusion of the conference.


Welcome To Box Item #1

Describe and Sketch What Is In The Box!

When you are done, take a picture for your own records.

Then if you would like it to be included as part of the research project, place your transcript into the box.

 The inclusion of your name is optional. Identities of participants will be kept confidential in any publications or presentations that may result from this experiment as long as your name isn’t on your submission.

 You will receive your feedback either by email or at the conclusion of the conference.

Compilation of Box #2 Transcripts


Welcome To Box Item #2

Describe and Sketch What Is In The Box!

  • When you are done, take a picture for your own records.

 Then if you would like it to be included as part of the research project, place your transcript into the box.

 The inclusion of your name is optional. Identities of participants will be kept confidential in any publications or presentations that may result from this experiment as long as your name isn’t on your submission.

 You will receive your feedback either by email or at the conclusion of the conference.

Welcome to the 2023 IRVA PsiFest Psychometry Experiment! 


 These Stones found wild in nature were placed somewhere for the past few weeks.

Pick them up, take a deep breath, hold them in your hand, allow impressions to come to you, and describe and sketch your impressions.

When you are done, take a picture for your own records.

Then if you would like it to be included as part of a research project, place your transcript into the box.

The inclusion of your name is optional. Identities of participants will be kept confidential in any publications or presentations that may result from this experiment if your name is left blank.

You will receive your feedback at the conclusion of the conference or by email.


Below is a compilation of correct data reported on participant's transcripts according to our Readee.


Welcome to Intuitively Reading a Photograph of a Person Experiment!

View the printed photo, or for possibly better results, shoot the QR code (removed)  and view the photo on your phone -  Observe and Report - Describe and Sketch Your Findings!

When you are done, take a picture for your own records.

Then if you would like it to be included as part of the research project, place your transcript into the box.

The inclusion of your name is optional. Identities of participants will be kept confidential in any publications or presentations that may result from this experiment if your name is not on your

Time permitting, you will receive feedback live at the conclusion of the conference or post-conference via email.

Initial Feedback! April our Subject will personally review all of the transcripts for accuracy, and the strong hits will be highlighted here post-conference. Below are some broad-stroke facts about April.

April is a Realtor In a Southern State.
She exercises a lot and has a clean diet.
She is in good health.
She is a confident person and stubborn at times.
She has strong convictions on issues important to her.
She is honest.
Homeowner. She lives in an old and fairly large 2-story home.
Owns investment property.
Financially conservative.
She has a very friendly female Goldendoodle named June.
She is a mother to an Adult Son.
She is divorced. She previously had an issue with her thyroid and anxiety.

She is an Airbnb host and has many visitors from around the world.
Both her parents have passed. Friendly - Active - and Accommodating

Happy with her life.


ORBS Abound!



Tasking: 0832-2944

On Saturday, August 12th, 2023 a group from IRVA’s PsiFest will be touring The Exchange Hotel Civil War Medical Museum.

Some attendees of the tour will be asked to describe, sketch, and record memorable physical characteristics of the location, and objects of interest as well as record their experiences with any phenomena and paranormal activity while on the Museum’s property.

The property consists of the grounds, the main building on three floors, a two-story kitchen house, and a depot building.


Review the photos provided by attendees and the following feedback from Dave Silverstein. I saw a "gentle-man" clean-shaven in overalls that is no longer alive just outside the doorway of the Train Room. He was in mid-life and in shock. He probably passed very suddenly. Next to the man, I saw a woman with a white bonnet who was very nervous about everything, worried, and neurotic, checking back and forth from the Train room to the doorway. The heavy smell of perfume was also reported and attributed to this woman. 

Attendees were asked to download a “ghost hunting” APP to their phones able to record audio. Attendees heard people’s names. An attendee named Alice heard a spirit say “Alice,” and it was the consensus of the attendees she was touring with the spirit’s name was also Alice.

It was believed by a few people when they asked a different spirit where they were from, they said Minnesota. I believe I also heard the ghost-hunting APP say Minnesota, as I was there at the time.

An attendee reported, "The window (inserted above) was significant to me... I then came to find that the window was where they would toss all of the amputated limbs. There was a shoot out the window. I initially could smell blood, it was overwhelming. It was all I could taste and smell. I then felt feverish, as if I had an infection. My hands then felt as though they were encrusted with layers of dried blood. I then found out that is where a lot of surgical procedures were done..."

Touring the property was fun. I highly recommend it.

Welcome to Experiment #5 a One-page Remote Viewing Tasking Of A Complex Target!

Describe and Sketch

Using Only the Front and Back of the Submission Form.

Your Coordinates, if you choose to accept this assignment, are.


Describe Sketch and Report

  • When you are done, take a picture for your own records.
  • Then if you would like it to be included as part of the research project, place your transcript into the box.
  • The inclusion of your name is optional. Identities of participants will be kept confidential in any publications or presentations that may result from this experiment if your name is not on your submission.
  • Time permitting you will receive feedback at the conclusion of the conference or post conference via email.

The correct section is #19. Transcripts that are one section removed in any direction, are also included in the below transcript bundle. 


Welcome to the Dowsing Experiment

The neighborhood map associated with this experiment is divided into thirty (30) sections. Within one of the sections is a property owned by the organizer of the Experiment Room. Which one?

Use the pendulum provided, or another dowsing method of your choice to record on the submission form the section where the property is located.

When you are done, take a picture for your own records.

Then if you would like it to be included as part of the research project, place your transcript into the box.

The inclusion of your name is optional. Identities of participants will be kept confidential in any publications or presentations that may result from this experiment as long as your name isn’t on the submission form.