Dave is a fun and kind natural clairvoyant living his authentic life.

Dave uses his ability to gain information about a person, object, location, or physical event using extrasensory perception and offers the following services: Clairvoyant Readings, Clairvoyant Business Readings, Psychometry Readings and, Classes.

Clairvoyant readings work on a different level of consciousness than people live their daily lives, and looking at problems and solutions in this different way will offer beneficial insights and positive outcomes.

Dave usually reads from photographs saving the client the obligation to schedule an appointment. Dave also reads esoteric photos for what can’t be seen with the naked eye. Dave's keen ability to read from photos is extradentary and unique. 

Dave is a natural clairvoyant who has honed his skills in many workshops and graduated from a well-respected “rose reading” and energy healing school.

Dave started reading professionally after graduating from clairvoyant school in 2004. Dave has had very early psychic experiences he thought everyone was having and a recurring childhood dream of talking to friendly extraterrestrials. 

A recent quote from a client “I feel more confident now about my future and what I need to do.”

A client will send in their photo and a list of questions, and Dave will email answers in a stream-of-consciousness format. Or alternatively, for a quick and inexpensive reading, a client can send in a photo, and Dave will reply with what’s immediately perceived, which is usually top of mind for the client’s soul journey. Business readings start with a consultation, and so do Psychometry readings.

A good reading is when a client gets clarity on whatever it is they are asking about. 

The customer will get insights into their soul's journey they may not yet be aware of or confirmation they are on the correct path. And for business readings, clients will be provided with the truth and insights beyond ordinary perception.

Because Dave usually reads from photos how long it takes him to do a session isn't a factor for the client. Turn-around times are minutes to weeks depending on the workload, etc. 

All activities are through email, phone, and online except psychometry readings, which must be arranged.

Generally, for photo readings it just takes a photo for a basic reading. For a more advanced photo reading a list of questions is required. Clients receiving phone readings need to be calm and grounded in their bodies as much as possible, and readings are paid for in advance.

The beauty of reading from photos is that there is no preparation except a photo and some optional questions. Reading from photos eliminates the burden of scheduling mutually convenient times and eliminates potential cancellations. 

Use the contact form, or email Dave at Dave@DaveSilverstein.Com